Premium Jamu Needs Perfect Soil & Climate

JAMU, Soil & Climate

JAMU - Organic Soil

In early 2020, a world health pandemic forced us to isolate & reflect on our health. As a result, Jamu’s popularity has increased (domestically & internationally) as people look for a natural approach to get & stay healthy. Using organic herbs to prevent & treat chronic health conditions.

Empathy JAMU originates from the rich heartland of Sumatra. Growing in the fertile tropical peat & volcanic soils that have produces exceptional herbs & spices for Centuries.

Organic Peat Soil

Peat soil is formed under very wet conditions, when dead plant material is unable to decay in the flooded environment. This leads to a build-up of partially decomposed organic matter, which over time accumulates in peat dome. This moist, nutrient-rich soil is crucial for the trees’ health during the dry season, releasing moisture and nutrients to the roots system as needed. Because the soil is consistently moist it holds onto nutrients year-round, so they aren’t rinsed out during floods or the monsoon season.

Premium Jamu Needs Perfect Soil & Climate

Peat soil consists of decomposed organic matter. In agriculture it’s often mixed with existing soils to improve the structure and increase acidity of the original soil. Tropical peat accumulate slowly at the rate of about 1mm per year and can reach depths of 12m. The soil can contain high levels of CO₂ which can be damaging for the environment if released into the atmosphere. However, as long as soils stays undisturbed in their natural state CO₂ emissions stay buried underground. When the nutritional content stays consistent tree growth and prosperity is secure.

Health Soil + Healthy Plant = Healthy Jamu

The soil’s pH levels affect how – and what – Jamu will grow. To understand soil acidity, you need to appreciate that soil is made up of various components which determine its properties. These include mineral particles (sand, silt and clay, which give soil its texture), organic matter (living and dead), air and water. The water component is where pH is measured, where dissolved chemicals cause the soil to be acidic or alkaline. Soil acidity and alkalinity are measured in units of pH. The pH scale means each number is 10 X more acidic than the one before it. Soil with a pH of 5 is 100 times more acidic than soil with a pH of 7.

Indonesian Jamu grown in volcanic soil

Organic Volcanic Soil

Sumatra’s 34 volcanos are another contributing factor to the exceptional quality of our JAMU herbal remedies. Volcanic deposits can develop into some of the richest agricultural lands on earth because volcanic ash acts like time-release capsules, rich in nutrients. The process is known as “chemical weathering” when rocks are broken down by chemical reactions; they are actually being chemically altered and improved. Basically, volcanic soils are exceptional because they have high nutrient content, which allows soil to hold water for longer encouraging soil bacteria & seed germination. All of this is beneficial to the plant’s health, stimulating development & new growth.

Learn more about Sumatra’s volcano


Professor Jon Davidson, of Durham University, stated ‘fertile areas of Indonesia have benefited from volcanic ash in the past” In general volcanic ash is good because it’s full of all kinds of elements and nutrients that regenerate the soil’. An example of this is the Toba super-volcanic region, located in what is now known as central North Sumatra. Toba produced a super-eruption – one of the Earth’s largest known eruptions, depositing a layer of ash approximately 15 – 30cm over much of Sumatra. It occurred sometime between 69,000 and 77,000 years ago and is believed to have contributed to a cooling of the earth that lasted more than a decade.

It’s believed this initial deposit of volcanic ash and the following eruptions from volcano’s located along the convergent plate. Are responsible for Sumatra’s healthy and fertile soil, which has played a key role in world history. A rich history full of conflict, exploitation, exploration, production and trading of spices like pepper, clove, nutmeg, sandal-wood, cinnamon & frankincense.

Sumatra’s soils are pure & the climate is perfect! There is no doubt, the history books will attest to this. However, the current use and respect for land is far from perfect, pure or sustainable.

Learn more about Sustainability or History

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